High blood pressure increases the risk of death due to corona virus
One concern that has impacted both the doctors and the general public globally is the Coronavirus. This virus being new, it is not widely understood yet.
The risk factors involved with this virus are many. Researchers always say that it is more dangerous in people with compromised immunity and individuals with
chronic illnesses. One such risk factor is High blood pressure.
It is a fact that your blood pressure needs to stay under control at all times, failing which may result in many serious problems. This becomes even more
important today as the world battles the Coronavirus.
Some tips to avoid high blood pressure:
Eat a healthy diet free of added salts and oils
Keep yourself at a healthy weight
Be active physically
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
Sleep well
Keep a check on your blood pressure
If you or your loved ones have high blood pressure, you must be very careful not to attract the virus. Some precautionary steps:
Wear masks at all times in public
Get out only when necessary
Avoid crowded places
Make sure to wash hands regularly and use a sanitizer.
Research shows that death from coronavirus is more common in patients with high blood pressure. The risk is twice when compared to the general population.
According to one study, the patients who were not taking their prescription medicines to control their high BP were at risk three-fold. Population-based studies
have all shown the risk of death in hypertensive individuals is twice as high in ordinary people with Coronavirus.
People with high Blood Pressure must keep a tab on their BP levels and take their medications on time.